Waking up cold and wet, and having barely showered the past 9 days, I smelled and felt like shit. I went to the communal area to take a shower and do laundry—hoping to get rid of the awful smell that was lingering in the car—and found the two french hitchhikers sleeping on the floor. Despite everything that had happened, I was grateful to be able to catch a glimpse of such a magical place, hoping one day I would return to see it again. We were finally on our way to Snæfellsnes Peninsula.
And then the sun came out, and I pet more horses. Everything was wonderful again.
On our way around the Peninsula, we passed a hitchhiker and offered him our open set. Just like that we were 5 again.
After saying goodbye to our new friend, we arrived in stykkishólmur. We walked around a bit, ate dinner and swam in a nearby pool. The rain showed no sign of giving up, so we decided it would be best to head back to Reykjavik that night, and take advantage of the sun they were expecting the next day.